From Zero to Market Leader: How Anthony Gold Generates Predictable Pipeline of Legal Instructions

Behind the Scenes of Remarkable Growth with PPC Ads

Increase in Leads
Increase in Revenue
Increase in ROAS


Anthony Gold, a renowned law firm in the heart of London, identified a significant opportunity within employment law. Aneil Balgobin, the new Head of the Employment department, reached out to Kwery with a distinct mission: to launch and manage pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns designed to reach individuals in London and nearby areas navigating the complexities of settlement agreements.

Aneil explained:

“Settlement agreements are key in resolving work disputes. They cover important terms like payment from employers and rights given up by employees. Usually drafted by employers, these agreements must be checked by a legal expert to make sure they're fair and enforceable.”

Our goal was clear: reach individuals recently made redundant who were seeking expert legal guidance.

Starting from Ground Zero

What set this project apart was its inception – starting from a blank slate. This scenario posed a unique set of challenges, far more complex than optimising an existing Google Ads account. The absence of historical data meant we couldn't rely on past insights to gauge effectiveness or direct our strategy.

Aneil Balgobin reflected on the initial hurdles:

"I joined Anthony Gold during a challenging time amidst the pandemic. My task was to build a new department from the ground up. We were in dire need to develop a steady stream of work for the team—a reliable pipeline of clients where none existed before.."


Mapping the Market

Before diving into the campaign, we provided Aneil with the market analysis and performance forecast:

  • The number of potential clients in London seeking advice on settlement agreements.
  • The expected advertising costs to reach these individuals.
  • The anticipated returns on PPC advertising 

Lead Management System

We developed a lead management system to assist Aneil's team in monitoring campaign performance. 

This system tracked each lead's journey from their initial click to the completion of legal instruction. It provided a real-time reporting dashboard displaying crucial performance indicators: the campaign's ad spend, the volume of qualified leads, the number of leads converting into legal instructions, total revenue, ROAS, and profit.


Although our PPC campaigns were profitable from the outset, we didn't achieve the level of success we initially hoped for right from the start.

Two challenges emerged early in the campaign.

Extremely Competitive Market

In the densely contested legal industry, fifteen firms aggressively competed for the top four ad spots on Google's search results, promoting settlement agreement services.

This fierce rivalry in an already crowded online space drove up the cost per click (CPC), making it challenging to generate enough leads at sustainable return on ad spend (ROAS).

We faced a critical decision: either increase our budget and bids to gain more visibility and leads, potentially reducing our ROAS, or scale back, which could lead to fewer leads and limited revenue growth.

Inherent Flaws in Google Ads

Secondly, our search term analysis showed that some clicks and leads were not related to settlement agreements in the context of employment law.

Screenshot from Anthony Gold's Google Ads account showing relevant search terms.

Two key insights from this analysis emerged:

  1. Correct keyword targeting is crucial: Accurately targeting the right audience requires understanding the subtle nuances of different search term intents. For instance, 'settlement agreement solicitor' attracts potential clients, while 'settlement scheme solicitor' draws in individuals seeking immigration advice. These terms may seem similar, but they cater to entirely different needs.
  1. Google’s understanding of search term intent is limited: Our experience underscored that Google's algorithm often fails to capture tiny differences in search intent. This led to increased costs and unqualified inquiries, reducing the effectiveness of our campaigns and draining the valuable time of Anthony Gold’s employment team.


‍Three Months, Big Changes

With three months of campaign data in hand, we rolled up our sleeves and got to work refining our keyword targeting.

  • Eliminating waste: By diligently building and regularly updating our negative keyword lists, we effectively prevented Google from displaying our ads to audiences outside our target market.
  • Ditching broad match: Simultaneously, we pivoted away from broad match keywords, which were casting an excessively wide net and attracting a significant amount of irrelevant traffic.
  • Reallocating budget: Subsequently, we reallocated the budget towards phrase and exact match keywords, proven to attract individuals actively seeking legal advice on employment settlement agreements.

Keyword strategy changes resulted in a 17% reduction in costs, a 23% decrease in cost per lead (CPL) and a staggering 42% increase in the lead-to-legal instruction conversion rate.

Aneil saw the difference:

Suddenly, we were not just fishing – we were catching. The leads were more aligned with what we offer, and returns on our ad spend were finally making sense."

Integrating Bing into the PPC Mix

In our quest to further improve Anthony Gold’s PPC performance, we turned our attention to an often-overlooked yet potent platform: Bing. 

While Google Ads had been our primary battlefield, the exploration of Bing opened a new avenue offering both the quality of leads and affordability. 

  • Less competition: Bing has fewer advertisers, making clicks cheaper than on Google.
  • The same quality of leads:  Just like Google, people use Bing to seek answers to their urgent needs. So, despite the lower cost, the quality of leads from Bing is on par with Google.

Adding Bing to our strategy led to a 12% increase in leads, with a 47% lower cost per lead compared to Google.

Landing Pages for Market Dominance

Refined keyword targeting and Bing integration set things in motion, but more was needed to achieve the market dominance we sought for Anthony Gold. It wasn’t enough to reach the right audience; it was crucial to convert them into leads at a higher rate.

Our next strategic move was clear: to design and develop better landing pages.

Why Landing Pages?

Unlike general website pages, a landing page serves one specific purpose: to convert visitors from PPC ads into leads. The effectiveness of a landing page directly impacts conversion rates (CVR), which in turn influences cost per lead (CPL). 

Simply put, as we boost our conversion rates, our cost per lead drops. This creates room to increase our budget and bids — all while keeping return on ad spend (ROAS) intact — leading to an uptick in clicks, a greater number of leads and a higher volume of legal instructions.

Recognising this, we designed two new landing pages tailored to Anthony Gold's target audience. Each page was developed with a clear understanding of the user’s journey:

  1. Mobile-First Design: With mobile internet usage on the rise, creating a landing page that catered specifically to mobile users was imperative. This version was streamlined for quick loading, easy navigation, and touch-friendly elements, ensuring the mobile audience could effortlessly access and engage with the content.
  1. Desktop Optimised Page: Knowing that a significant portion of our audience would access the site via desktop, we designed a landing page that leveraged the larger screen real estate. This allowed us to incorporate detailed information, compelling visuals, and clear calls to action, all arranged in an intuitive layout to guide visitors towards making an enquiry.

Preview of the new landing page designed for desktop users.

The introduction of these custom landing pages marked a turning point in the campaign. 

Fast forward one year…


  • Conversion rates soared from 12% to 27%.
  • This, in turn, allowed us to raise our bids and secure a dominant ad position on Google. As a result, we gradually captured the largest share of London's legal market. This was reflected in our click share, which leapt from 60% to a market-dominating 78%.

Screenshot showing the transformational impact of the increase in conversion rates on Anthony Gold's market share as measured by improvement in click share. 

At the same time:

  • The number of qualified leads increased by 79%
  • Revenue soared by 93%
  • Profit increased by 111%
  • ROAS improved by 19%

In Aneil's own words:

"Establishing that pipeline of work from a standing start was really good. This is our bread and butter. We're no longer fretting about meeting our targets. This isn't just a one-off success. It's our consistent, reliable flow of work. It helps us plan, and it helps us grow and helps us develop.”

Screenshot from Google Ads account, showing our market dominance against the competitors. Our ads were shown on the top of Google the most often (Absolute Top of page rate, as well as within the top four lucrative ad slots above organic results (Top of page rate), and, at the same time, we achieved the highest Impression share—our ads were shown the most often for targeted keywords.

Ready to Raise Your PPC Game?

Get in touch, and let's have a no-obligation, good old, honest chat about pay-per-click advertising.
You'll speak with a PPC specialist, not a salesperson.

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